Newsletter Golf Tip – December 2018
For your golf game: One way to train yourself to swing the whole club forward is to place a second golf ball about 3 or 4 inches in front (on the target line) of the ball you are setting up to and you will need to use a pitching wedge for this practice drill. You must have your intent to swing the whole club forward to brush grass under the second ball. When you do this correctly the club will strike the ball you set up to and the pitching wedge will have enough loft so that ball will be sent over the second ball. As you continue to swing the whole club forward it will strike the second ball and that ball will also fly but will go shorter than the first shot because the clubhead will have slowed down a little due to impact with the first ball.
If you hit the first ball thin then it will go low and hit the second ball so it could get exciting! Persist, keep swinging forward with the intent to brush grass under the second ball. You will make a swing were both balls fly in the air. Observe that you are really swing forward with the intent to get to the second ball.
Then hit some shots without the second ball there but, use your imagination, keep swinging the whole club forward with the intent to brush grass under the second ball. You should do this practice drill with a full or nearly full backswing. If you make a very small swing then the trajectory may be too low for the first ball to go over the second ball.
Upcoming clinics and events: I’m offering a HOLIDAY LESSON GIFT CERTIFICATE SPECIAL – Buy a Lesson Series Gift Certificate, such as a Series of 4 one-hour lessons for $250 (save $30!) or a series of 6 half-hour lessons for $230 (save $40!) of at least $200 and receive one of my golf instruction books, LEARNING GOLF WITH MANUEL, for free! You can stop in to the Golf Shop or mail a check to me and I will mail the gift certificate back to you. You can text or email (see below) to learn more.
My next specialty clinic will be a SHORT GAME BOOT CAMP for 2 hours held on SATURDAY evening, DECEMBER 15th from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. I will cover pitching/chipping, bunker play, putting, and fun games to practice effectively! Men or Ladies welcome. This is NOT for new beginners. There is a limit of only 3 students so call or email to sign up. Total cost is only $60.
My next LADIES-ONLY GOLF CLINIC will be held on 4 consecutive Wednesday mornings – JANUARY 9, 16, 23 & 30 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Cost is only $40 total! It is good for beginners or newly dedicated golfers. Limit of 8 golfers!
Please call/text (727) 692-4679 or email,, to sign up as space is limited for all clinics. Go to for more details.
** I will be conducting the Adult Golf Clinics every week on Friday mornings at 9:30 a.m. and on Saturday afternoons at 12:30 p.m. There is no sign up, just show up and cost is only $20 which includes a large bucket of range balls.
As always, please contact me with any questions or comments and I hope to see you soon on the lesson tee at the Chi Chi Golf Range & Sports Complex in beautiful Clearwater in the Tampa, FL area.