Newsletter Golf Tip – July 2018
For your golf game: There are 3 things that I want you to look at, REALLY LOOK AT, the next time you practice or play. The first is the V formed by the thumb and index finger of both hands after you place them on the golf club. Manuel de la Torre, PGA of America and World Golf Teachers Hall of Fame Member, would say that “you should take the golf grip VISUALLY.” Why did he insist that you look at your hands? Because all of us can get very casual with the grip and just place the hands on in a position that FEELS “comfortable” on that day. That feeling of comfort can and does change from day to day and so the grip may also change which leads to inconsistency.
Seeing that the V’s on both hands point up to the player’s center (midpoint between the shoulders) is a neutral grip position for most people meaning that the clubface will stay square during the swinging motion and neither open nor close while in motion. The key for you is to find the grip position that makes the ball fly the way you want it to and see where the V’s are aligned in relation to your center so you can place them in that same position on every swing.
The second thing I want you to look at and check is your intermediate target for those of you who use this to align the clubface when setting up. This is a spot on the ground a few feet ahead of the golf ball that MUST BE ON THE TARGET LINE. So, after you have selected an intermediate target, walk up even with the ball keeping your eyes on your intermediate target, now take a golf tee and place it in the ground where your intermediate target is located. Now walk back behind the ball on the target line and check to see that your intermediate target truly is on the target line. Once again we can get in a casual rush and pick a spot that is really an inch or two left or right of the actual target line and, when you project that line out to your actual target, it will be many yards off-line.
The third thing I want you to look at is the bottom groove on the clubface of your irons. When you take your line and place the clubhead behind the ball this bottom groove should be perpendicular to the target line. Especially check this bottom groove when aligning your sand wedge. Once again we can set the clubhead behind the ball without REALLY LOOKING at this bottom groove, the best indicator of the alignment of the clubface, and miss the target during this important job. This becomes trickier with woods and hybrids due to the unusual shapes of the clubhead. Find the best thing to look at on your woods to insure correct clubface alignment and be sure to look at it when doing your alignment procedure.
Upcoming clinics and events: My next LADIES-ONLY GOLF CLINIC will be held on 3 consecutive Saturday afternoons – JULY 14, 21, 28 from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Cost is only $50 total for 4 and a half hours of instruction! It is good for beginners or newly dedicated golfers. Limit of 7 golfers!
My next specialty clinic will be a SHORT GAME BOOT CAMP for 2 hours held on THURSDAY morning, JULY 19th from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. I will cover pitching/chipping, bunker play, putting, and fun games to practice effectively! Men or Ladies welcome. This is NOT for new beginners. There is a limit of only 3 students so call or email to sign up. Total cost is only $55.
I will conduct a FOUR WEEK GOLF CLINIC on four consecutive Tuesday evenings – AUGUST 7, 14, 21 and 28 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Week 1: Set PRIORITY after skill and swing assessment, Week 2: Set PRACTICE ROUTINE, Week 3: Set ON-COURSE ROUTINE and Week 4: PRACTICE and final skill assessment. For Men & Women all levels, 16 or older recommended. Total cost is only $80 and includes everything! Limit of 6 golfers, call/text or email.
I will be in LOS ANGELES, CA doing golf lessons on MONDAY, JULY 9. Please text or email if you are interested in a lesson.
Please call/text (727) 692-4679 or email,, to sign up as space is limited for all clinics. Go to for more details.
** I will be conducting the Adult Golf Clinics every week on Friday mornings at 9:30 a.m. and on Saturday afternoons at 12:30 p.m. (Exception: I will not be here this Fri., July 6 and Sat., July 7 for the clinic!) There is no sign up, just show up and cost is only $20 which includes a large bucket of range balls.
As always, please contact me with any questions or comments and I hope to see you soon on the lesson tee at the Chi Chi Golf Range & Sports Complex in beautiful Clearwater in the Tampa, FL area.