Newsletter Golf Tip – August 2018
For your golf game: Hopefully all of us have been greatly helped in life by teachers, mentors and parents. Manuel de la Torre, PGA of America Hall of Famer, had all of those rolled into one with his father, Angel de la Torre. Angel was the first Spanish golf professional and he won the Spanish Open a few times but, in 1936, the Spanish Civil War forced him to relocate his family to the United States where he was at Lake Shore C.C. in Chicago for many years.
Manuel would tell us many things his father had told him. Some applied to golf but many had general application. It is easy to see how Manuel developed his strong work ethic – he said his father said to him one day, “Manuel, God didn’t put you on this earth for you to see how little you can do to get by.”
Sometimes Manuel did not take his father’s advice as his Dad tried to dissuade him from getting in the Golf business after graduating from Northwestern University.
Manuel was asked one time about what was the best thing his Dad ever told him about the golf swing. “Swing the club in the direction of the target,” was Manuel’s answer.
Many golfers do get the concept of swinging the golf club back and forth, from one side to the other side. You can feel the magic of the swinging motion and the velocity and the consistency that is produced. When you are free of tension and leave the swing alone it will find good impact for you. You do not have to work so hard! But this is not quite the final piece of the puzzle. You must also DIRECT this swing at something. That something should be your target. So please go practice this and see if you can swing your club in the direction of the target. This implies that there is no ball concern; just you, the club and the location of your target.
(To be continued)
Upcoming clinics and events: My next specialty clinic will be a SHORT GAME BOOT CAMP for 2 hours held on FRIDAY evening, SEPTEMBER 7th from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. I will cover pitching/chipping, bunker play, putting, and fun games to practice effectively! Men or Ladies welcome. This is NOT for new beginners. There is a limit of only 3 students so call or email to sign up. Total cost is only $55.
My next LADIES-ONLY GOLF CLINIC will be held on 3 consecutive Friday evenings – SEPTEMBER 14, 21, 28 from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Cost is only $50 total for 4 and a half hours of instruction! It is good for beginners or newly dedicated golfers. Limit of 7 golfers!
I will conduct a FOUR WEEK GOLF CLINIC on four consecutive Tuesday evenings – OCTOBER 2, 9, 16 and 23 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Week 1: Set PRIORITY after skill and swing assessment, Week 2: Set PRACTICE ROUTINE, Week 3: Set ON-COURSE ROUTINE and Week 4: PRACTICE and final skill assessment. For Men & Women all levels, 16 or older recommended. Total cost is only $80 and includes everything! Limit of 6 golfers, call/text or email.Please call/text (727) 692-4679 or email,, to sign up as space is limited for all clinics. Go to for more details.
** I will be conducting the Adult Golf Clinics every week on Friday mornings at 9:30 a.m. and on Saturday afternoons at 12:30 p.m. There is no sign up, just show up and cost is only $20 which includes a large bucket of range balls.
As always, please contact me with any questions or comments and I hope to see you soon on the lesson tee at the Chi Chi Golf Range & Sports Complex in beautiful Clearwater in the Tampa, FL area.