Newsletter August 2012
I must give a big shout out to Tim C. in St. Louis for putting me on to a great YouTube video of the famous Canadian Golf Pro, Moe Norman, who is thought by many to be the best ball striker ever. Go to YouTube and look for a video entitled, “Moe Norman Private Clinic – ball striker exhibition.” It is a long video but go to the times of 2:32, 3:53, 8:04, 8:17, 14:20, 21:09, 27:24, 30:45 and 36:58 if you want to just skip around and hear where Moe mentions Manuel and reading his book, Understanding the Golf Swing, which had just come out in 2001 when this video was shot. Pretty impressive when Moe Norman says, “I just found a new way.”
I will try to get a link up on my site mentioning this and I still need to get some more short video tips up on my website,
I am going to be offering some Golf Get Ready clinics for the Ladies where we will have 4 consecutive days of clinics with a final day on the course at the Chi Chi Golf Club. This will get brand new and newer golfers the roadmap and the experience to be more comfortable on the golf course. These will be held in September and October.
Now for a golf tip which Moe Norman mentions repeatedly in the video I mentioned earlier. What do you use to swing the club forward once you reach the end of the backswing? Answer: THE ARMS, and when I say, “arms,” I mean the part of you from the shoulder to the elbow. I do not mean the forearms; I mean the upper arms. As Manuel de la Torre or Moe Norman says, it is the arms that swing the club forward; the hands just hold the club and keep it connected so when the arms go, the club will also go. If you want to send the ball farther then you need more arm speed. The hands should not try to help add speed. The hands just hold and you keep the grip pressure constant during the entire forward swing. Do not put tension or strain in the arms or hands, simply keep the arms in charge on the forward swing and see how straight the ball goes when the hands do not get involved to twist and manipulate things during the forward swing.
As always, call or email with your questions and suggestions and I hope to see you at Chi Chi’s inClearwater,FLsoon for a golf lesson.
(727) 692-4679 or