April 2016 Golf Tip Newsletter

JohnHayesGolf.com Newsletter Golf Tip – April 2016


For your golf game:  What is your job in putting?  If you said, “To get the ball in the hole,” then you gave a very common answer.  I have heard Manuel de la Torre, PGA of America Hall of Fame Teacher, tell a student who gave this same answer to that question, “You can’t do that.  Until the Rules of Golf allow you to pick up the ball and put it in the hole then YOU cannot get the ball in the hole.”  So what is your job in putting?  TO ROLL THE BALL ON THE LINE YOU SELECT AS FAR AS THE HOLE.

Manuel chose the word, “ROLL” very carefully.  (As he chooses all his words in golf teaching.)  You don’t want to “hit” the ball or “push” or “tap” the golf ball.  You want to use an action that will roll the ball on your line.  Like a kid swinging on a swing in the park the motion is very even and constant; there are no sudden bursts of energy in this motion.

There is a good practice drill to help you sense the right motion to ROLL the ball on your line.  Set up to a putt of about 15 feet and then move the putter head back several inches like the end of the backswing for your putt and then rest the putter head on the grass.  Now, from this static position and with no more backswing, move the putter forward and have your putter brush along the grass so you roll the ball on your line.  If you have a “hit” or a burst in your forward motion then your putter head will likely get stuck in the grass or you may even double-hit the ball with a sudden hit.  When you begin to do the correct forward motion your putter head will brush along the grass in a very constant motion and you will notice a nice ROLL to the ball.  The ball may keep rolling farther forward than you normally expect for your putts.

After you can do this practice drill about 10 times in row successfully then you can just practice rolling putts in the normal manner.  Obviously you do not brush the grass on the normal forward stroke as you do in this practice drill.  Also, if your practice green has some grain in it, as it often does with bermuda grass greens, then you must do this “rolling drill” while putting down-grain so the putter head does not get stuck in the grass while brushing along to roll the ball.

This practice drill will help you to do your job in putting – to roll the ball on the line you select as far as the hole.  So, until there is a change in the Rules of Golf, remember that you cannot “get the ball in the hole!” 


Upcoming clinics and events:  I will conduct a GET GOLF READY LADIES BOOT CAMP on Thur., April 28th through Sunday, May 1st.  There will be 4 hours of golf clinics (Thur. & Fri. from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. and on Sat. from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.) and then we will finish on the golf course on Sun. from 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.  This is perfect for beginners who want to feel comfortable on the golf course in a short time.  Total cost is only $99 and includes everything! 

 My next LADIES-ONLY GOLF CLINIC will be held on 2 consecutive Weekends – April 2, 3, 9 and 10 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. on all four days (Sat., Sun., Sat. & Sun.)  Cost is only $40 total for all 4 sessions!  It is good for beginners or newly dedicated golfers.

My next specialty clinic will be a SHORT GAME BOOT CAMP for 2 hours held on Saturday, April 16th from Noon to 2:00 p.m.  I will cover pitching/chipping, bunker play, putting, and fun games to practice effectively!  Men or Ladies welcome.  This is NOT for new beginners.  There is a limit of only 3 students so call or email to sign up.  Total cost is only $55.

Please call, text (727) 692-4679 or email, jh@johnhayesgolf.com, to sign up as space is limited for all clinics.  Go to www.johnhayesgolf.com for more details.

As always, please contact me with any questions or comments and I hope to see you soon on the lesson tee at the Chi Chi Golf Range & Family Sports Complex in beautiful Clearwater in the Tampa, FL area.